I usually prefer not to reveal details about my personal life in this blog but this is a special case - one that shows how the concept of a "twist too far" can also apply "off" the silver screen.
I saw this film last year and enjoyed it thoroughly. What a delightful movie! But when the lights came up, my wife of fifteen years turned to me - with a look of staunch resolution on her face -and informed me that she'd been having an affair.
Apparently, seeing Julie and Julia had been the immediate catalyst for her deciding that she "didn't want to live a lie" anymore. In her pursuit of her true self, she moved out, divorced me and sold the movie rights to her own blog (which she had quit her job to write full time, a move that I had fully supported.)
So, while I still have fond members of those two or so hours, which I like to laughingly refer to as my "final minutes of innocence," this was the "shock" ending that pretty much spoiled the whole thing for me.